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Upcoming events

    • 04-Feb-2025
    • 27-Mar-2025
    • 4 sessions
    • Washington, DC or via Zoom

    The National Family Association for DeafBlind (NFADB) welcomes you to our 3rd annual DeafBlind Day on the Hill.

    Family organizations and/or family leaders interested in supporting their DeafBlind loved ones are encouraged to join us! We will unite to advocate and educate our legislators nationwide on issues specific to individuals who are DeafBlind.Topics of importance include:

    1. Introduction of a CMA Title III bill (name to be determined) by Rep. McGarvey (D-KY), the first ask from the National Advocacy Agenda
    2. Recruitment of members for newly formed DeafBlind Congressional Caucus 
    3. Continue to advocate for support of adults who are DeafBlind, the second ask from the National Advocacy Agenda

    NFADB is here to help educate you on all of this with tools and support to assist in preparation for you to advocate and share your story with confidence!

    We will be meeting in Washington DC if you are able to join us in person between March 25 - 27, 2025, with the official “Day on the Hill” being March 26, 2025. If you are unable to travel to Washington DC, you can still participate and advocate via Zoom meetings with legislators virtually, or in their local state offices.

    We will host the following sessions via Zoom to prep for both virtual and in-person DeafBlind Day on the Hill:

    • February 4th at 7 p.m. EST - Kickoff meeting and training (Zoom)
    • February 24th at 7 p.m. EST - Optional drop-in meeting to ask questions and get any additional assistance (Zoom)
    • March 10th at 7 p.m. EST - Logistics and final huddle before the big day (Zoom)
    • March 25-27th DeafBlind Day on the Hill!
      • March 25th - Arrive in DC
      • March 26th- DeafBlind Day on the Hill! Meet with Legislators in person or via Zoom
      • March 27th - Depart from DC

    Please contact one of our event leads with any questions:

    Past events

    18-Jul-2024 Legislative Update: A Family Focus
    09-Jul-2024 NFADB General Membership Meeting
    05-Mar-2024 DeafBlind Days On the Hill - April 16-18, 2024
    21-Feb-2024 2nd Annual DeafBlind Day on the Hill Kickoff
    19-Oct-2023 2023 Unseen Documentary Screening
    05-Oct-2023 Family Advocacy Training and Education III (by Invitation Only)
    21-Sep-2023 NFADB Ambassador Training (Members Only)
    11-Jul-2023 NFADB Annual General Membership Meeting
    19-Apr-2023 On the Hill Day for DeafBlind 2023
    10-Apr-2023 Hear Us: One Voice! Stronger Together! Twitter Blast!
    27-Oct-2022 2022 My Family's Journey Webinar Fundraiser
    08-Sep-2022 Family Advocacy Training and Education II (by Invitation Only)
    04-Aug-2022 FATE, Session 2 Introduction
    12-Jul-2022 NFADB Annual General Membership Meeting
    27-Jun-2022 CMA Family Twitter Blast June 27 - July 1
    30-Mar-2022 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Family Focus Update
    28-Mar-2022 Capacity Building: Family Leadership Development & Organizational Growth
    06-Jan-2022 FATE (Family Advocacy Training and Education) Phase II (by Invitation Only)
    31-Dec-2021 The Steve Perreault Award - for Professionals
    31-Dec-2021 El Premio Steve Perreault
    08-Dec-2021 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Family Focus Update featuring Amy Parker
    20-Oct-2021 Got Transition Webinar
    07-Oct-2021 Family Advocacy Training & Education (by Invitation Only)
    01-Oct-2021 CMA Family Twitter Blast Oct 1 - Oct 7
    22-Sep-2021 Deaf-Blind Experience
    16-Sep-2021 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Family Focus Update
    26-Jul-2021 CMA Twitter Blast July 26 - July 30
    13-Jul-2021 NFADB Annual General Membership Meeting
    24-Jun-2021 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Family Focus Chat featuring Maurice Belote, Robbie Blaha, Tracy Evans-Luiselli, & Cyral Miller
    20-May-2021 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Continued Family Focus, featuring Maurice Belote & Tracy Evans-Luiselli
    20-Apr-2021 Cogswell-Macy Act: A Family Focus, featuring Robbie Blaha
    23-Mar-2021 Recruiting Participants for Doctoral Dissertation Study
    01-Mar-2021 Texas Symposium on Deafblind Education
    22-Oct-2020 My Family's Journey: Advocacy, Self-Care, and Resiliency
    22-Oct-2020 Sponsor 2020 Deaf-Blind Experience
    22-Oct-2020 El Viaje de mi Familia: Abogacía, Cuidados Personales y Resilencia
    11-Sep-2020 Northeast Regional CHARGE Syndrome VIRTUAL Conference
    01-Sep-2020 Family-to-Family Communities Project (F2FC)
    26-Aug-2020 ¡Ya esta abierta la inscripción para el curso de autoaprendizaje en línea sobre sordoceguera! (FREE Spanish-Language Online Course Study Registration open now!)
    14-Jul-2020 NFADB's Annual General Membership Meeting
    10-Jul-2020 12th Annual USH Connections Conference - NOW VIRTUAL
    26-Feb-2020 Capitol Hill Advocacy Day Summit
    09-Oct-2019 NCDB Hosts: Deaf-Blind Immersion Experience
    03-Oct-2019 *New York Deaf-Blind Awareness Experience*
    27-Sep-2019 DBMAT 46th Annual Family Conference
    25-Sep-2019 MaxiAids WEB-A-THON to benefit NFADB!
    17-Sep-2019 CDBS & NFADB: Monthly Spanish Calls
    11-Sep-2019 Western Regional Early Intervention Conference
    02-Aug-2019 14th International CHARGE Syndrome Conference

    OUR MISSION:  NFADB exists to empower the voices of families with individuals who are DeafBlind and advocate for their unique needs.


    become a member of nfadb


    Our work is supported by organizations and individuals like you.  

    Support our work

    Donation goal

    Goal: $50,000.00
    Collected: $50,136.00


    Phone: 800.255.0411
    Fax: 516.883.9060



    PO Box 1667
    Sands Point, NY 11050

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