Dear Potential NFADB Affiliate Network Member:
Thank you for your interest in joining the NFADB Affiliate Network! NFADB is committed to creating a strong national network of families.
Affiliates are family groups that join with NFADB to collaborate on activities that improve opportunities and services for individuals who are deafblind. The purposes of the NFADB Affiliate Network are to:
Serve as a conduit for information sharing and partnership
Improve advocacy at national, state, and local levels
Influence national trends and legislation
Provide a platform for leadership development
Promote NFADB membership
As an affiliate, you will have opportunities to:
Expand and increase membership
Promote your organization through the national network
Partner with other affiliate organizations
Receive advice regarding how to develop and promote your organization
Participate in planning NFADB’s next Symposium
Participate in NFADB webinars and other NFADB sponsored activities such as the Family-to-Family Communities Project
Apply for mini-grants and discounts
Participate in NFADB workgroups
Become a part of NFADB Speaker’s Bureau
Each organization participating in the NFADB Affiliate Network appoints an Affiliate Liaison. The liaisons meet quarterly via AdobeConnect. Communication is also maintained via phone calls and email. Together, the Affiliate Liaisons develop and implement an action plan that guides our collaborative work.
The following questions are designed to help both you and NFADB determine if the Affiliate Network is a good match for your organization. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you in person should you wish to do so while completing the application.
On behalf of the NFADB Board, thank you for your interest in becoming part of the NFADB Affiliate Network!
Myrna Medina
NFADB Affiliates Network Coordinator
Complete the Affiliate Network Application