NFADB is committed to creating a strong national network of families with individuals who are DeafBlind. Our Affiliate Network is a partnership with family organizations and NFADB to collaborate on activities that improve opportunities and services for families. Together we:
Promote a strong national Affiliate Network
Serve as a link for information sharing and collaboration
Strengthen partnerships at local, state, and national levels
Provide a unified voice that supports and advocates for national policies
Engage in family leadership development
Expand and increase Affiliate and NFADB membership
Check with your state Deafblind project to find out if your state has a family group.
As an affiliate, you will have opportunities to:
Any family group or association which is organized and run by families of children/adults who are deafblind is eligible to become an NFADB affiliate. This can be a group that meets informally a few times a year, or a formal non-profit group with bylaws, policies and procedures. The group membership must be at least 51 percent family members.
Complete the NFADB Affiliate Network application
For more information, please contact our Affiliate Coordinator.
Arkansas Empowering Families of Deafblindness (AEFDB)Arkansas Empowering Families with DeafBlindness (AEFDB) seeks to better understand dual sensory impairment and to advocate for the unique needs of each child. We intend to build bridges between families and their communities – educating those communities about deafblindness and to make changes in medical, educational, vocational, and political systems in order for our children to live as independently as possible with a high quality of life for those who are deafblind. Visit their website: |
Ava’s VoiceAva's Voice is committed to providing opportunities to families to make connections. The purpose of Ava’s Voice is to provide financial assistance to support these opportunities, to advance the understanding of hearing and/or vision loss through funding research, and to provide resources and education to the public about hearing loss, vision loss and deafblindness. Visit their website: |
Deaf-Blind Multihandicapped Association of Texas (DBMAT)DBMAT promotes and improves the quality of life for all Texans who are deafblind multihandicapped by supporting the establishment of educational, rehabilitative, vocational and independent living opportunities for individuals of all ages. Visit their website: Family Partners for the DeafBlind of Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands (FPDB-FL/VI) Family Partners for the DeafBlind of Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands (FPDB-FL/VI) is a group of families that meet with the purpose to support, advocate, and facilitate connections among families in Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands. FPDB-FL/VI believes with appropriate supports, families of individuals with DeafBlindness with the appropriate supports can build leadership skills to help their family member succeed in fulfilling their right to become an active member of society. Contact them: |
Illinois Advocates for the Deafblind (IADB)
The Illinois Advocates for the Deafblind is a non-profit organization of parents, families, friends, and professionals dedicated to protecting the rights and advocating for the needs of all individuals with deafblindness. Visit their Facebook page: Lane of InquiryThis non profit organization began in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic - to more intentionally conduct research that could improve outcomes for children who are Deafblind AND to relate that research to Lane's experience as a parent. Visit their website: |
The New York Parent Association for Deaf-BlindThe New York Parent Association for Deaf-Blind (NYPADB) advocates for individuals with deafblindness and their families. NYPADB provides opportunities for families to interact, communicate, and share ideas, experiences, information, and resources, as well as facilitates family events (either local or regional), and offers workshops in collaboration with the New York DeafBlind Collaborative. NYPADB sponsors monthly support group conference calls in specific etiologies such as CHARGE Syndrome, and also has a presence through social media (Facebook group) giving families the chance to connect with each other in a confidential platform sharing information, resources, mentoring and everlasting bonds. Visit their website: |
The Pennsylvania Partnership for the DeafblindThe Pennsylvania Partnership for the Deafblind strives to:
Visit their website: |
Puerto Rico Deaf-Blind Parents AssociationThe Puerto Rico Deaf-Blind Parents’ Association strives for the inclusion of people with deafblindness into our modern society as productive and self-sufficient individuals, within the extent of their particular circumstances. La integracion de la persona con sordoceguera a nuestra sociedad moderna, como un ser productivo y autosufuciente deja acuerdo a sus circunstancias particulares. |
Texas ChargersTexas Chargers, Inc. encourages, educates, and enriches individuals and families living with CHARGE syndrome. Texas Chargers is a group of Texas families, friends and professionals who are dedicated to helping children and young adults who live with CHARGE syndrome. The primary function of our organization is to support the emotional and educational needs of the people with CHARGE syndrome and the families and professionals working with them, to provide them with a better quality of life. Visit their website: |
Utah Deaf-Blind Family Ties Utah Deaf-Blind Family Ties is a private Facebook Group for families that have a member with Deafblindness in Utah. All members of the group have immediate family members with deafblindness and all members live in Utah. We meet once a year for our annual DeafBlind conference sponsored by Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind. This event is not planned by our group, but is attended by our group. We connect with each other on FB. We share our successes and our trials. We ask questions. It is a safe place for us to turn. |