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What we do

The mission of NFADB is to empower the voices of families of individuals who are DeafBlind and to advocate for their unique needs.

Every person who is DeafBlind has unique abilities, goals and needs. This is true for families also.  To address the uniqueness of deafblindness, we work side by side with families, friends and professionals to provide the following services.


"Family voices are heard"

Advocate for all families with individuals who are DeafBlind regardless of the individual’s age, cause of deafblindness, or cognitive ability. 

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foster family-to-family communities (f2fc)

"they are not alone"

    “It takes a village,” could never be more true than when you’re raising a child who is DeafBlind. We all need other families, professionals and community members to turn to for support, advice and sometimes a good laugh.  Some people like to email, others like to use Facebook, and some just want to pick up the phone and speak to a real person. NFADB uses several strategies to help people build connections.

    • Family to Family Community Project
    • FaceBook Community
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        NFADB has developed collaborative relationships with many state and national organizations focused on deafness, blindness, and deafblindness. Through these relationships, we partner to collaborate on projects, provide referrals and share valuable resources with families. Thank you to the following partners, friends, and financial supporters. Partners with a key icon indicate a partner that is a financial supporter and KEY to our success

        • Promote a strong national Affiliate Network (any association or group organized and led by families with individuals who are DeafBlind is eligible)
        • Partner with the Affiliate Network to improve opportunities and services for families
        • Provide a unified voice that supports and advocates for national policies
        • Promote partnerships at local, state, and national levels
        • Partner with national organizations to build strong service systems
        • Bring family and professionals voices to researchers and state/national discussions concerning deafblindness

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        Provide information and resources

        "Information and Resources"

        NFADB strives to provide current, useful information and resources in manageable amounts. Most of our resources are available via email blasts to members, online through this website, or our Facebook page. You can access them at  your convenience. 

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        DeafBlind National Community of Practice (DB NCOP)

        NFADB is a member of the Helen Keller National Center DB NCOP, a collaborative working group of agencies committed to maximizing resources and enhancing services with and for individuals who are DeafBlind. The DB NCOP looks to strengthen relationships among these agencies and increase opportunities for services and supports available on the local and state level to the DeafBlind community across the country.


        "Training opportunities"

        We share timely announcements of upcoming events, i.e., webinars, trainings, conference calls, and national conferences.  

        DeafBlind Awareness

        NFADB has conversations with family members, individuals who are DeafBlind, and professionals that work with individuals who are DeafBlind.  We produce and distribute these various conversations as podcasts to increase awareness of the impact of living with deafblindness.

        Listen Here

        Build Family Leaders

        Families of children with disabilities prove time and time again they have the power to make a difference. Historically, the efforts of family members were the primary reason children with disabilities moved out of institutions and into schools and their communities. It is the power and persistence of families that allows individuals with disabilities to become full members of society. Below you will find quotes from family leaders who made a difference in their own child’s life, in the lives of other families, or within organizations or systems. We hope you will find inspiration and ideas for your own leadership activities.

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        OUR MISSION:  NFADB exists to empower the voices of families with individuals who are DeafBlind and advocate for their unique needs.


        become a member of nfadb


        Our work is supported by organizations and individuals like you.  

        Support our work

        Donation goal

        Goal: $50,000.00
        Collected: $45,271.00

        CONTACT US

        Phone: 800.255.0411
        Fax: 516.883.9060



        PO Box 1667
        Sands Point, NY 11050

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