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The Fall Report from The President

01-Sep-2024 10:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • September 1, 2024

    Dear NFADB Members,

    As September begins, I begin my final month as president of the National Family Association for DeafBlind (NFADB). My term as president ends on September 30, and I have made the difficult decision to also step off the NFADB Board. I will, however, continue to volunteer as a general lifetime member and I invite all of you to do the same. 

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, our incredible members, for your ongoing support and engagement and your personal kindness to me. I also wish to thank the current board for their efforts and good work on behalf of this association. During my many board terms, I have had the privilege and pleasure to work with four presidents and executive committees, wonderful fellow board members from across the nation, and caring and supportive special advisors. I have learned from each one of them. I have witnessed the growth and engagement of our membership and am so proud to have been a part of this board and network. 

    I will forever love NFADB! NFADB is inclusive of all families, regardless of the age, abilities, or the cause of deafblindness of their family member who is DeafBlind. Its mission is to empower the voices of families with individuals who are DeafBlind and advocate for their unique needs. Because of these things, I have believed in NFADB from the start.

    You may wonder how I became so involved with this national association. Well, like many of you, I learned about NFADB from my state deafblind project. In the early spring of 2000, our son was diagnosed as deafblind when he was five years old. I was in a bit of shock to say the least after being told that he would eventually go totally blind and there was a possibility that he would continue to lose more hearing. That summer, I attended my first deafblind family learning conference hosted by my state deafblind project, and NFADB was an exhibitor. I stopped by their booth, joined as a member, and was given a mug that I still have to this day. I really did not know too much about NFADB at that time, beyond its mission, but I was desperate to seek deafblind information and meet other families that unconditionally understood my heartache and determination to do right by my child.  

    My connection with NFADB grew and as I began to feel a part of the NFADB community, I applied for a board position in 2009, began my board service in 2010, became secretary in 2012, and president in 2018. It has been a beautiful journey of learning, friendships, and growth.

    And just like all of you who have become a part of the deafblind community as members of NFADB, where you have met other families and interested professionals, it feels right. You have a connection and a bond that you know you will have for a lifetime. I do not have to explain that feeling. As families we just know. We support, we share, we celebrate, and we grieve together. We are a network. The networking opportunities are endless, the information gained is lifelong, and the friendships are priceless and forever.

    It is now my pleasure to introduce to the membership Donia Shirley (VT) as NFADB’s president elect. I have had the honor of working with Donia in her roles as secretary and vice president of NFADB and am excited for her now to take the position of president. NFADB also welcomes four new board members to the team: Renee Engle (SC), Monica Fernández (VA), Sharren Foster (MA), and Heather Snyder (PA). I congratulate them all as they join NFADB’s caring, hardworking board of directors. 

    Stepping off the NFADB board is Myrna Medina (CA). We wish to thank Myrna for her extraordinary leadership and contributions to the board, membership, and association.  Myrna has been such an asset to NFADB, and we greatly appreciate her service.

    Change always brings elements of the unknown and chaos before the calm, but it can be so positive for future endeavors. Fortunately, we learn to embrace change and all the benefits it offers. So, I have one final request to both the board and the general members, to please continue your journey of both personal and professional development and continue to pave the way for other families who are walking the journey behind you. As we know, this work is much greater than oneself.

    As NFADB announced at our annual general membership meeting in July, we have created and put into place three new goals:

  • ·      NFADB will be recognized as a national resource supporting families of individuals who are DeafBlind across the lifespan.
  • ·      NFADB will advocate for and with families on a national level.
  • ·      NFADB will operate with a sustainable financial plan.
  • Our hope is that our NFADB board work under these three new goals will:

  • ·      Improve communication: When board members are working together towards a shared goal, we are more likely to communicate better and reach agreements.
  • ·      Improve collaboration: We as a board are more likely to coordinate better and share knowledge because we have a common aim.
  • ·      Increase efficiency: We are a board of volunteers and alignment can help eliminate wasted time and resources by avoiding duplicate efforts.

We invite our members to support, engage, and or volunteer with the board to help us meet these new goals.

As I close my final president report with much gratitude, I’m reminded of the quote that “work is love made visible,” and that is a true testament to what it means to be a member of NFADB. The tireless members, volunteers, board members, families, individuals, and professionals who make up our community work together because they love what they create. Sometimes that love is displayed as you attend meetings, forums, and presentations, or support a project or a task, but oftentimes it is what is not shown that embodies what love through service looks like. I sincerely thank you all!

Best always,

Patti McGowan, NFADB President

OUR MISSION:  NFADB exists to empower the voices of families with individuals who are DeafBlind and advocate for their unique needs.


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